There's this little boy . . .

who loves to play football. He's the little guy in my other post. Remember, he calls it 'Touchdown'. He's on the 'Black Team.' He always plays against the 'Yellow Team', the 'Blue Team' and the 'Red Team'. He's a tough player and is always facing one of the toughest defense lineups I've ever seen!

I had the opportunity to see this game today. He was playing against all three teams at once. It was amazing to watch. The defense was pretty vicious looking. One guy had HUGE ears, big hands and LARGE feet! He played for the 'Yellow Team.' I don't know how anyone could run past him without getting squashed with one stomp. There was another guy in the defense lineup who was big, TOUGH, and had a pair of WIDE OPEN eyes I've ever seen. He was on the 'Blue Team' and he just stared down the offense. I'd be scared if I had those lamps focused on me! And finally, on the 'Red Team' there was this small, skinny guy in a skin tight suit. He was funny shaped but don't let that fool you! He can play some mean 'touchdown'!

I was able to run out on the field to grab a picture of this big, bad defense lineup. And I'd like you to meet that defense lineup here:

As I walked away, I sneeked a peek at the offensive side. You know, the Black Team. I stopped in my tracks. Stunned, I couldn't move. What was staring at me was the biggest offensive player of all time. The Black Team only consisted of one player. One. Huge. Mean. Player! He was focused on the defense player with those huge eyes. I could tell. This guy had the BIGGEST head I've ever seen in my entire life!

I started to feel bad for the defense. Those three tough players had nothing on this guy. One blast with that head will do them in for good. His nostrils were flared, his breath hot and steamy, like a bull ready to charge. I lifted up my camera and snapped a quick shot of this massive player then ran for my life!

Here's the picture of that huge offensive player before that huge head came crashing into my little self.

As I was limping off the field, I took one last look as that big-headed player was getting ready to mow over the poor, weak defense and saw this.

I was amazed to see all three players were still smiling. Ready for another smack by the offensive team!

Oh well, let me get back to my computer and send these pictures off to ESPN. Maybe they could use one of these four charachters for next season!

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