On A Hunt for the Yearly Bluebonnets

I made Ray get up early to join me on my mission to find Bluebonnets out in the hill country. I knew I wouldn't be the only one either. After the recent rains we've had I knew we would luck out! And boy did we.

Taking Hwy 290 towards Austin we saw quite a few fields of Bluebonnets, and, tons of people. I normally don't like to stop where everyone else is, so Ray and I take along a map and head down roads where no one else travels. I find lots of unspoiled fields of Bluebonnets. Although this year the Indian Paint Brushes (or as Ray so excitedly called them "Pinkbonnets") were flourishing more than the Bluebonnets.

Many of these are off the beaten path off Hwy 105 heading to Conroe.


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