Welcome December!

The last month of the year. Wow!

I don’t know about you, but for me this year flew by. Heck, every year flies by in your adult life. Why is that? When we were kids, time couldn’t fly fast enough. Especially when you’re sitting in the most boring class during school. Or Christmas couldn’t come fast enough when you’re counting down the days in December. Or when you get in trouble and your Mother would say “you just wait until your Father gets home!” THAT was the longest time to wait. LOL - Yes, there were days I was a little devil in my younger years!

Maybe time flies because we try to cram in as much as we can during the day.

Holidays are here, sessions are slowing down, and I can get caught up with my blog again.

Ray and I took our annual trip to New York last month. It was a short trip, 4 days, and we crammed in a bunch of stuff like we always do. It felt like we were there for a week.

Here’s an aerial view of New York City as we were coming in. Beautiful day!

Other than our trip to New York, and a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family, it’s been busy with Holiday Sessions and spending time with my adorable grandson.

Here’s a peek at Kylene and Jayden’s Holiday Session. They both crack me up so much!

I’ll put up a few of the last couple of sessions I’ve done a little later.

In the meantime, enjoy the first day of December!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Look how big they've grown! I cannot believe it. That Jayden is adorable!!