Plumeria In Bloom

I love orchids. I have 15 of them in my home. I started out with 4 in California and these traveled across the US with me, in a car. Over the years I've added 11 more. They're happy, healthy little characters. I'm always searching for new colors to add.

This past spring while I was out and about buying up all kinds of flowers to add to my courtyard, I discovered Plumeria. I've seen Plumeria in Hawaii and fell in love with them then but forgot all about the wonderful scent they give off until I was stopped in my tracks one afternoon at a Nursery with a cart full of flowers.

I picked up 4 of them and put a few other flowers I had in my cart back. Plumeria has become my second favorite flower. These grow wild in Hawaii - lucky for them! You see them everywhere there. They're a popular flower for making Leis.

They are coming into bloom again and they smell sooooo good! Especially at night.

Plumeria is related to the Oleander and both possess poisonous, milky sap, rather similar to that of Euphorbia. Amazing how certain things in life can be so gorgeous, yet so deadly!

Another reason to love these flowers is they don’t attract bees. It’s not the bees that pollinate these beautiful flowers but the Sphinx Moths. This is why the scent of these flowers are more pronounced in the evening than during the day.

Being sensitive to cold, these babies will be moving indoors first part of November when they go dormant. Too bad they won't keep these flowers blooming indoors throughout the winter months!

Would be nice to have the scent of Plumerias throughout the winter!


Allison said...

I love plumeria - particularly PINK plumeria. When I was in Hawaii earlier this year (just before plumeria season), we (my traveling companions and I searched and searched for pink plumeria to photograph. It was like the quest for the holy grail. We finally found a cluster of very, very pale ones just starting to open... but it's nothing like seeing (and smelling) a tree covered in blooms.

You've captured them beautifully.

Zaffiro Images said...

Thanks Allison! They are such a beautiful flower! I'm really enjoying them. I have the whites and pinks. Next spring I'll be ordering an orange one I saw online.

Mary said...

Love them too. Can almost smell them just thinking about them. Your pictures are GORGEOUS. Such talent. Thanks for sharing!