We have a new puppy!

His name is Lukas. He's 12 weeks old. He's a German Shepherd.

A sweet, lovable, hard-headed, stubborn German Shepherd.

He always wants the last word, even if it's a low, quite bark. It's the last word. He's your typical puppy - just a tad hard-headed and stubborn. My shadow, my companion, my guard puppy, my loyal foot warmer. Wherever I am, he's there.

How could I resist a face like this?

Kali, our Silver Lab. She's 5 years old. Quite the opposite of Lukas. She's sweet, gentle, sincere, cuddlebug, by my side always, and fetches the newspaper for me every morning

I love this gal.

She hates her new brother because he's hard-headed and stubborn. All her toys now belong to him and she can't stand that. Every day she asks if he's leaving and every day I break the news that he's not.

Sorry sweet gal, he's here for good.

Nell, the Princess / Diva / Drama Queen of the house. She's an Ocicat.

HATES Lukas with a passion.

He can't even look at her without her giving off a hiss. It's short of "Mommy, Lukas won't stop looking at me!" And he can be across the room too. It took her a week before she realized he's not leaving. She lets him know who's boss. She's Kali's buddy. She's not too much of a cuddler - but when she's in the mood for a pet or two - you'd better grab it at that moment or you won't get another chance for a week!

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